Help your body by treating it with the ancient art of Thai Massage. Each massage will be tailored to the clients needs.
Gadsden Clients
Duration: 60 minutes: $100.00
Duration 90 minutes: $150.00
Duration 2 hours: $200.00
Birmingham Clients
Duration: 60 minutes: $125.00
Duration 90 minutes: $175.00
Duration 2 hours: $225.00
Guests will receive their massage from licensed Swedish and Nuad Boran Thai Massage therapist and certified Nuad Boran Thai Massage teacher Khinya Wade.
Mrs. Wade recently graduated from an intense three month Nuad Boran Thai Massage course in ITM, International Training Massage School, in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
We are currently only offering Thai Massages at this time.
We are happy to afford guests the opportunity to reschedule your experience for a later date, however ALL experiences at Kirinyaga Wellness are non- refundable.
If guests are 30 minutes late a $25.00 late fee will be applied to your experience and that time will be docked from your experience. If guests are a hour late then the experience will be canceled and postponed to a later date with a $25.00 rescheduling fee.
Khinya is receiving her Thai Massage certfication at the prestigious Thai Massage school, ITM, in Chiang Mai, Thailand.